Goal: to capture the enemy’s flag and bring it to the base of the team.
Task: Two teams start from different positions of the playground. A flag in corresponding colour is planted on the base of each team, which you have to protect trying to capture the enemy’s flag and bring it to the base of your team. In addition to the flag, a “command position” is established on the base of each team, which allows you to restore the life and equipment of your team, as well as deals damage to enemies staying close to it. It is possible to use additional equipment, such as radios, tripwire traps and other equipment that makes the gameplay more realistic.
Rules of the game: The team needs to penetrate into the enemy’s base in order to capture the flag. A point is scored when both flags (yours and enemy’s) have been delivered to the base of your team. If a player carrying the flag is liquidated, he has to immediately drop the flag on the ground. Afterwards any “live” player can pick up the flag. He can return his flag to his base or continue to bear the enemy’s flag.
As in any other scenario, “killed” players are not allowed to communicate and give hints. First, they need to be restored.