Safety rules when playing Lasertag


1. Playing in any state of intoxication!
2. Directing weapons on people outside the gaming zone!
3. Exiting the game field without permission of the instructor.
4. Covering of defeat sensors.
5. Throwing and dropping weapons, to avoid its breakage and costly repairs!
6. Disabling and enabling hardware during the battle to restore the number of lives. Reactivation of the equipment without the instructor is not possible.
7. Remaining in the play area after "death" unless it is provided in the game scenario.
8. Explicit expressions and physically contacting the opponent: beating with accessories, hands, feet, head, catching with hands and dropping.


1. When moving, look at all the obstacles and interference, which can cause loosing of balance.
2. If someone from the players is wounded, IMMEDIATELY notify the instructor.
3. In between games, accurately store the weapons previously hanging them on a belt.
4. If the weapon fails to fire, or have any other technical difficulties, immediately contact the instructor.
5. Comply with the safety rules and strictly comply with the requirements and guidance of instructors.

Poligon 1 LLC, hereinafter referred to as the Games Organizer, reserves the right to request persistent violator of  safety regulations, rules or generally accepted standards of conduct to leave the playground.

Games Organizer is not responsible for damage caused to life and/or health of participants or guests, and/or for loss of or damage to the property of participants or guests as a result of:
- negligence of the participants and/or guests of the game;
- deterioration of the health of participant, as a result of acute illness, exacerbation of chronic disease or injury of such participant;
- violations and/or improper performance, and/or non-compliance of participants and/or their guests of game safety rules;
- actions and/or omissions of third parties;
- abandonment of personal property (things) in locker rooms or in other premises of the club, etc.;
   and other cases stipulated by the effective legislation of the Republic of Latvia.

Persons who failed to observe or breached these rules, will be prosecuted in accordance with applicable law.


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